Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Outsiders

Hey!!! I'm back!!! And with the Outsiders!!! I absolutely LOVE this book!!! This is one of my all time favorite books!!!
This book is about:

They walked out slowly, silently, smiling.
"Need a haircut, greaser?" The medium-sized blond pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flipped the blade open.
I finally thought of something to say. "No." I was backing up, away from that knife. Of course I backed right into one of them. They had me down in a second. I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and slugged me a couple of times. So I lay still, swearing at them between gasps. A blade was held against my throat.
"How'd you like that haircut to begin just below the chin?"

To read more go to:

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