Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Outsiders

Hey!!! I'm back!!! And with the Outsiders!!! I absolutely LOVE this book!!! This is one of my all time favorite books!!!
This book is about:

They walked out slowly, silently, smiling.
"Need a haircut, greaser?" The medium-sized blond pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flipped the blade open.
I finally thought of something to say. "No." I was backing up, away from that knife. Of course I backed right into one of them. They had me down in a second. I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and slugged me a couple of times. So I lay still, swearing at them between gasps. A blade was held against my throat.
"How'd you like that haircut to begin just below the chin?"

To read more go to:

Tuesday 28 February 2012

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." To read more quotes:
Hey I just wanted to tell you that from time to time I will post some quotes!!!:D 

The Lost Island of Tamarind

Hey!!! This is the best book ever!!! The Lost Island of Tamarind!!! It is awesome!!! You should really read it!!!! This is what it is about:
It is not down in any map; true places never are.
Welcome to Tamarind, where fish can fly, pirates control the waters, jaguars lurk, the islanders are at war, and an evil, child-stealing enchantress rules the jungle. Thirteen-year-old Maya, her younger brother, Simon, and her baby sister, Penny, have just landed their boat here after a terrible storm washed their parents overboard. After spending their entire lives at sea, it’s a relief just to be on dry land. But Tamarind is unlike anything Maya could have imagined—a place both magical and terrifying. Now Maya will be lucky just to make it to tomorrow.
If you want to know more.... well search it up!!!:P

Monday 27 February 2012

Nancy Drew

Hey guys!!! Nancy Drew the Slueth or detective!!! She is awesome!!! I have most of her books!!! Its about:
The first 34 Nancy Drew books in the original texts published from 1930 to 1956 contain 25 chapters and around 210 to 225 pages each.  The early Nancy Drew is smart, adventurous, flippant, and daring.  Nancy has blond hair and drives a smart blue roadster.  Helen Corning is Nancy's friend in the earliest books, but by volume 5, Bess Marvin and George Fayne are Nancy's closest friends, and Helen only appears occasionally.  Ned Nickerson meets Nancy in volume 7, and the attraction is mutual.  Burt Eddleton and Dave Evans are not present in the earliest texts and are not mentioned until volume 20.  Burt and Dave do appear in the revised versions of several of the early texts.

If you want to know more which i know you do just click the link below:

The Hunger Games


Hey guys!!! I'm back!!! The picture above is the Hunger Games!!! I haven't read it yet but I will soon and I hear its really good!!! I really want to read it!!! This is what it is about:
Could you survive on your own, in the wild, with everyone fighting against you?
Twenty-four are forced to enter. Only the winner survives. In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Each year, the districts are forced by the Capitol to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the Hunger Games, a brutal and terrifying fight to the death - televised for all of Panem to see
If you want to read more go to:


Saturday 25 February 2012

                                                            The 39 Clues

Hey guys!!! The 39 Clues!!! It's really pretty cool!!! You should read it!!! It's awesome!!! If you read it I hope you like it!!! Its really good!!!
This is what it is about
After their grandmother dies, Amy and Dan Cahill discover that they are part of the most powerful family in history. The source of this power is hidden in 39 Clues scattered around the world. Amy, Dan and other Cahills are given a choice: Take a million dollars and walk away, or compete to find all the Clues. The first Clue is somehow connected to Benjamin Franklin, but its location is a mystery.

If you want to read more go to


Hi Welcome to my blog!!

Hey, this blog is going to be about books, books and books!!!! I've chosen books because I absolutely LOVE books!!! I hope you enjoy my blog!!:P